Bind is an Apply that also has bind method. Scalaz defines Bind[F[_]] trait with bind abstract method.
def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
Having F[A] and mapping A to F[A] it returns F[B].
Since Bind is Apply it inherits all the methods that Apply offers plus it needs to provide implementation for map and ap methods. Note that Bind implements ap using bind and map methods:
override def ap[A, B](fa: => F[A])(f: => F[A => B]): F[B] = {
lazy val fa0 = fa
Having bind method we can derive join method which will take F[F[A]] and turn it into F[A]:
def join[A](ffa: F[F[A]]): F[A] = bind(ffa)(a => a)
We can also define monadic if, having F[Boolean], F[B] and F[B] we return first F[B] or last.
def ifM[B](value: F[Boolean], ifTrue: => F[B], ifFalse: => F[B]): F[B] = {
lazy val t = ifTrue
lazy val f = ifFalse
bind(value)(if(_) t else f)
Scalaz offers following syntax/derived functions:
- ∗, >>= and flatMap. All aliases for bind method.
- μ and join. When there is implicit Liskov A to F[B] it will join F[A] to F[B].
- >>. Converts to F[B] regardeless of the value of a.
- ifM. If there is implicit to convert A to boolean it returns true F[B] or false F[B] based on boolean value.
Since Option is Bind I’m gonna demonstrate those methods on Option with short examples:
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.bind._
display(1.some.flatMap(a => (a + 1).some), """ 1.some.flatMap(a => (a + 1).some) """)
display(1.some >>= (a => (a + 1).some), """ 1.some >>= (a => (a + 1).some) """)
display(1.some ∗ (a => (a + 1).some), """ 1.some ∗ (a => (a + 1).some) """)
display(none[Int] ∗ (a => (a + 1).some), """ none[Int] ∗ (a => (a + 1).some) """)
display(1.some >> 5.some, """ 1.some >> 5.some """)
display(none[Int] >> 5.some, """ none[Int] >> 5.some """)
display(true.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some), """ true.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some) """)
display(false.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some), """ false.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some) """)
1.some.flatMap(a => (a + 1).some) Some(2)
1.some >>= (a => (a + 1).some) Some(2)
1.some ∗ (a => (a + 1).some) Some(2)
none[Int] ∗ (a => (a + 1).some) None
1.some >> 5.some Some(5)
none[Int] >> 5.some None
true.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some) Some(1)
false.some.ifM(1.some, 2.some) Some(2)