Cobind is a Functor that also has cobind method. Scalaz defines Cobind[F[_]] trait with cobind abstract method.
def cobind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: F[A] => B): F[B]
Having F[A] and mapping F[A] to B it returns F[B]. Note that unlike bind method in Bind functor, cobind takes F[A] => B instead of A => F[B] function.
Since we have cobind method we can define cojoin method bases on it. Unlike to join in Bind, it turns F[A] to F[F[A]] instead of F[F[A]] to F[A].
def cojoin[A](fa: F[A]): F[F[A]] = cobind(fa)(fa => fa)
Scalaz has coflatten alias for cojoin and coflatMap alias for cobind.
Since Option is Cojoin I’m gonna demonstrate those methods on Option with short examples:
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.cobind._
def isEmpty[A](o: Option[A]) = o.isEmpty
display(1.some.cobind(isEmpty), """ 1.some.cobind(isEmpty) """)
display(1.some.coflatMap(isEmpty), """ 1.some.coflatMap(isEmpty) """)
display(1.some.cojoin, """ 1.some.cojoin """)
display(1.some.coflatten, """ 1.some.coflatten """)
1.some.cobind(isEmpty) Some(false)
1.some.coflatMap(isEmpty) Some(false)
1.some.cojoin Some(Some(1))
1.some.coflatten Some(Some(1))