• Running Akka Applications

    With akka becoming more and more popular, akka kernel being deprecated, docker rocking the word, Typesafe releasing ConductR and more folks getting to scala, I wanted to write a post about how to run akka applications. Akka applications aren’t servlet applications java developers are used to, normally those are main class applications in a jar file and have other jars as dependencies. So it’s no-brainer that we can just use java command and no container like tomcat or jetty is need. I will cover how to run in development while iterating on a task. How to run it in development and tunnel the port and let others point to your code before you even go to production or pre production environment and how to run it inside a docker container in production and pre production environments. Unforunatly I didn’t get hold of ConductR to try it myself, so I won’t be writing about it in this post. Btw, most of this should be to relevant other scala/java main class applications not only akka and akka http applications.

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  • How To Run Node Apps In Docker

    I like to use docker to run my server side apps and my node apps aren’t exception. Decided to show the docker file I use for my node apps and explain what I’m doing there. I copy the entire source, having the files I want to exclude in docker ignore file. The most important thing to note is I don’t copy node_modules directories, I do fresh install in docker. Main reason is that docker container is kinda different operating system and potentially a different distro (Debian in this instance, because I love it!) than dev or CI box. So why not build the code where it’s gonna run and if there are issues I’ll know about it sooner. Also note that I run npm install with production switch so it doesn’t install dev dependencies, which I don’t really need to run my app.

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  • My Gulp Files: Rest Api Projects

    For this type of projects I use CoffeScript, Chai and Mocka for unit testing, Istanbul for code coverage, Sinon and Proxyquire for mocking, Jenkins for continuous integration. This type of projects are easy to build because those don’t have front-end components, compilation/optimization, browser testing, live reload etc. And for server side code we don’t need to compile CoffeeScript to JavaScript since it’s running on server and we can use coffee executable to run the code instead of node executable. I also use CoffeScript for my gulpfile since it makes it much more clean and compact. Some people who do that like to also create gulpfile.js file with

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  • Linting Docker Files With From Latest Tool

    Recently folks at Replicated created an oper source tool called FROM:latest, which is a linting tool for docker files. You put the content of your docker file and it tries to find issues you have in it. Such a cool idea, I never came across a tool like this for docker files before. I decided to try it with the docker files I wrote in past to find potential issues in them and it actually found few issues.

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